Send Us Some Love!

Storefront 14th Birthday Celebration

Send Us Some Love! image

It's our 14th birthday! At Storefront for Community Design we are on a mission to empower Richmond’s communities through inclusive design and equitable growth. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to make this vision a reality. And, we want to celebrate! Won't you join us by making a donation today?

To amplify our vital work, we need your help. Your donation today will directly fund:

  • Community workshops that bring neighbors together to design solutions for their neighborhoods.
  • Training programs that equip residents with the skills to lead and advocate for change.
  • Initiatives that ensure marginalized voices are at the table when decisions about Richmond’s future are made.

Every dollar you give will have a ripple effect, creating a more vibrant, inclusive, and equitable Richmond for generations to come. Whether it’s $14, $114, $1,400, or $14,000, your contribution matters. (See what we did there?)

Will you join us in building a Richmond where everyone has a seat at the table?

Your generosity will not only support our programs but also send a powerful message: that you believe in the power of community-driven design and inclusive growth. Together, we can create a Richmond that works for everyone. Happy Birthday to us!

With gratitude,
Rick Fischl
Board Chair on behalf of the Storefront Board and Staff

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about our work or get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to connect with you!